Friday, November 5, 2010

Reform Happens.

So, the county corruption, county reform endgame begins.  Sure, there may well be trials far off in the future, but the government is abolished and replaced, January 2011.

I will not pre-judge.  I will reserve judgement.  I won't be all judgy about it.

But I will be paying attention.  And so should you.

I will pay attention to who is quick to rubber stamp the Transition
Agenda.  I will pay attention to those who question appropriations. I will pay attention to who looks like a clown on the cable access channel the city and county will pay me to host, detailing the inner-workings of a brand new government.  CLEVE-SPAN.  I want someone with an appreciation of geography and the Great Lakes as a vast, fresh water source.  I want someone to talk about the bridge, the casino, the port, the Burnham Plan, the rivers (three within the watershed.)

I want someone who knows about what the charter says about the powers of the executive. The powers and duties of the prosecutor.  The powers and duties of the Charter Review Commission.

I will presume the first order of business will be to establish a web presence for the new county government which will give live streaming video of county council and county executive matters.  Transparency.  An executive's blog: first person stuff, daily, from the executive, himself.  Daily expenditures and revenues.  Pdf format files of RFP's.  An ecology assessment.  A regional approach to fire/safety forces.   The Justice Cystem.  Indigent D'fence.  County-wide utility concerns. Grid weak spots.  Clean Water. Tourism. Top Ten road construction matters. Et Cetera.

I will be paying attention. And so should you.